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May 07, 2009 - AspEmail Service Pack Released
A bug causing the date information to show incorrectly in "fractional" timezones fixed.
Dec 10, 2008 - AspEmail Service Pack Released
A bug causing problems sending encrypted email with Unicode characters fixed.

Aug 22, 2007 - 64-bit AspEmail Released
The native 64-bit version of AspEmail is now officially released. Download it here.

Jul 26, 2007 - 64-bit AspEmail on Sale
A permanent key for the 64-bit version of AspEmail can now be purchased. For licensing purposes, AspEmail (64-bit) is a separate product. Your existing 32-bit keys will not work with the 64-bit version.

Mar 20, 2007 - AspEmail Service Pack Released
AspEmail replaces all CR (ASCII 13) and LF (ASCII 10) characters in properties such as Subject, CharSet, Username and others with spaces to thwart "email header injection" attacks used by spammers.

In addition to this important security improvement, we also added support for Unicode characters in attachment filenames. Also, the AppendBodyFromFile method now supports text files in Unicode format.

Yet another new feature is the ability to assign a custom Message-ID to a message via the AddCustomHeader method.

Jun 24, 2003 - AspEmail 5.0 Released
AspEmail 5.0 offers a lot of new features you have been asking for, including full Unicode support and memory attachments. But most importantly, the new version comes with an all-new message queuing module which supports up to 64 simultaneous SMTP sessions, logging, CRAM-MD5 and NTLM authentication methods, automatic bounced-message handling, and much more.

For the complete list of new features, see Chapter 1 of the manual. Download AspEmail 5.0 here. Upgrades are absolutely free for registered users.

1999 - Encryption and Digital Signature Support
AspEmail can be used in conjunction with AspEncrypt, our powerful cryptographic component, to send signed messages, encrypted messages, and messages that are first signed and then encrypted, in the S/MIME format.

Visit to download your free 30-day trial copy of this component.

1999 - Send Email from your ASP or VB application with AspEmail 5.0. It's Free!
AspEmail is a free active server component that enables your ASP application to send email messages via any external SMTP server. The component supports multiple file attachments, multiple recipients, CCs, BCCs, and REPLY-TOs.

In addition to basic functionality available for free, AspEmail offers a number of premium features that require a registration key after a 30-day evaluation period. These features are support for message queuing, embedded images, Quoted-Printable format, multipart/alternative support and authentication. Regular file attachments are still free, of course.

1999 - Spice up Your Messages with Embedded Images and Sounds
This premium feature allows you to send messages in the HTML format with embedded images and backgrounds. You can even embed sounds in your messages. Here is how it's done:

Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\dir\bk.gif", "My-Image"
Mail.Body = _
    "<HTML><BODY BACKGROUND=""cid:My-Image"">...</HTML>"


Mail.AddEmbeddedImage "c:\dir\ring.wav", "My-Sound"
Mail.Body = _
    "<HTML><BGSOUND SRC=""cid:My-Sound""></BGSOUND>..."

1998 - Send Messages with File Attachments over the Web.
AspEmail can be used in conjunction with AspUpload, the leading file upload component from Persits Software, to send messages with file attachments over the Web, as demonstrated by our Live Demo.

For more information on AspUpload, please visit, a site dedicated to this powerful component. Home Page Copyright © 1998 - 2009 Persits Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
AspEmail™ is a trademark of Persits Software, Inc.